Friday, October 31, 2008
Yes, it's Halloween. Right now, me and my family are inside our house, telling scary stories and just sitting in the dark to hide from trick-or-treaters. Yes, we're weird but whatever.
I just updated "Stolen Humanity" if some of you wanna go check that out. The whole time I was writing that chapter, I was thinking of 'Twilight', the bestselling novel saga by Stephenie Meyer. There's a movie coming out November 21st. I know because my friend has not told me once, or twice but fifty times a day!
"Hey, did you know Twilight movie is coming out November 21st?"
"Hey, hey, did you know that the movie's coming out November 21st?"
"Pssh, pssh. The movie's coming out November 21st!"
I get it. The movie's coming out November 21st. You don't have to tell me fifty billion times. Sheesh.
Sorry, I got a little offsubject, but when I blog, I do that.
Anyways, I noticed that I've been putting "Sunsets" off for a while. I've got a reason for that, and that is because GuiLun. I do not like GuiLun. I watched Brown Sugar Macchiato, fell in love with GuiWang. And I am a stubborn person. Chapter 4 will be having some GuiLun, and that's why I've been avoiding writing that chapter. But don't worry, you few people actually reading this. I will get over my GuiLun dislike sooner or later. Maybe when I see Pi Li MIT, I'll begin to like them. I doubt that, but we can dream.
"With a Cherry on Top" is one of my most popular stories. And apparently, you guys like that disgustingly-cute BeBu love. Chapter 3 is underway, and will be coming sooner or later. It's going to be a four-shot, by the way.
"Hebe, could I talk to you for a moment?"
"Uhh, what is it, Gui Gui?"
"Well, I broke up with Arron because..."
"What? Why?"
"Because of you."
And there you have it. I think I've bored you enough with my ranting. Now signing off.
Let's Keep This BeBu Train Moving.
Ice Queen.