Emotional Baggage
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sometimes I just want to grab the closest thing to me and start punching the crap out of it. I get so frustrated with life. It doesn't help much since I don't have any person to really talk to about my problems. So I go to the blog.
I'm one to hide my true emotions and keep that smile glued to my face. When I'm hurt, I ignore it and smile. When I'm scared, I hide it and smile. When I feel like everything's just falling apart, I smile. Smiling's my shield.
It's times like these when I'm reminded of why I called myself the Ice Queen.
When you think of Ice Queen, you think of someone who's cold, snobby and cruel. But I think of someone who tries so hard to hide her emotions with this false facade. In my case, this smile's frozen on my face.
So I pray for a person in which I can talk to anything who won't judge me.
Man, I'm getting too personal right now. But that's what a blog is for.
Instead of dumping emotional baggage, I'll just rant on about something that really annoys me.
...like pedophiles!
Haha, I'll save that for another time.
Well, I'm off to eat or whatever it is that I do!
I'll update with you all later.
Keep the BeBu Train moving!
Ice Queen.