2 Second Attention Span
Monday, January 12, 2009
I either must be the laziest person in the world or I've got no inspiration. Perhaps both. Either way, I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I was trying to finish up Sunsets Chapter 11 but I didn't feel like it and I just sort of drabbled it all down on an empty text document. And then I went and did my Spanish homework...yeah. Then I came back to my laptop and I started typing up the ending to Broken Love...partway through, I ditched it and began to type up a random...snippet of a fic? Then I ditched that and went over to do my geometry homework...then I went out and ate.
So as you can see I never finish things all the way before I go do something else. I literally have to be super inspired in order to type up a master chapter.
It is 9:36 in California, US time and I'm tired. I just had a cup of noodles and I'm about to go get some ice cream...I know ice cream in winter? But Ice Queen loves her Ice Cream :] That's why I wrote a whole story dedicated to ice cream...With a Cherry On Top .
Ice Queen is bipolar. Because today I got all angry, then I got depressed, then randomly during second period, I was happier and then third period, I got in a really good mood. Throughout lunch, I was really hyperactive. Then fourth period...almost fell asleep so whatever...
I'm currently addicted to "Saying I Love You" by Wonder Girls. I say that Sun Ye is like one of the top in that group. Ye Eun's got a beautiful voice but like, her face is sometimes so emotionless...So Hee has...a...squeaky voice. Sun Mi has a nice voice but not that strong yet. Yoobin is just awesome with her rapping. So Sun Ye and Yoobin are my favs...
Here....is...the...SONG...it's a somewhat live performance. They're actually singing over the recording but it's close enough.
Wonder if that'll work...anywho...
I'm done ranting for now. Right now I'm going to go eat my ice cream and I'll update with you guys soon!
BTW Notice the blog colors? Tet is coming up ^^!
Sign onto the BeBu Train!
Ice Queen.