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Sneer out the fake words,
I’m shining with a blinding light, follow me OH OH OH!

Profile entries Tag & Links
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Yes, I've been M.I.A. (Missing In Action) for a long time. And I can make millions and millions of excuses but let me be frank, I've been too busy and writing wasn't one of my priorities anymore.

So let me update you on what I've been up to.

I've prioritized my education and schoolwork, so that is first and foremost in my life. That and figuring out what the heck to do with my life.

I got in K-Pop, but that fad dropped quickly. Although, I still love Big Bang, 2NE1, BoA and DBSK. But that's pretty much all I listen to.

I miss S.H.E. but since Selina is in recovery, I'll just fangirl over Hebe's solo career.

Anyways, onto more important matters...

Actually, I doubt anyone is reading this so...


Ice Queen.

Monday, September 27, 2010

I'm a little sad now. Why? Because I believe winglin has deleted two of my stories, and I can't access my other ones.
I honestly don't know. I've been having problems getting into my accounts, and also starting up new ones. Does anyone have such problems? If so, tag me and let me know. I would like to discuss this...
But yeah, I had full intent on working on my stories since I have a break right now, but I can't access this or post or blah blah blah.
So I'm a little sad. :[
I believe Blind to the Public Eye and one other one of my stories was deleted. And all the others, are like dead.
So, yeah. I don't know what to do anymore. I want to write, but I can't write. I can't even start up a new account. So if anyone could help me out, it would be greatly appreciated.
I don't know if I want to re-write anything, or whatever. I just wanted to finish them. I don't even know what to do any more.
On the flip side, I still love Bebu and Hebe's solo album is GOLD.

Anyways, tag me and let me know!
Ice Queen.

Incredibly Long Rant About Stories
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hello, world. It's been a while. Lately, I took a walk down memory lane and reread just about all my stories once again. Memories, as well as laughs, came back to me as I read them. I thought that I'd share the commentary with you guys, just for fun.

My Fiance's Best Friend - My pilot story, my golden story. Even though it's not exactly my best story, I still cherish this story because this is how I stepped into the world of BeBu and of winglin. I didn't have a plot in mind. I was a 13 year old girl with a random idea and access to a computer. When I reread it, I realized how amateur I used to be but how silly and random my writing used to be. The plot was very disorganized, and it seemed I was just dragging on the plot for 40 ridiculous chapters. Still, I love that story. I might rewrite it, but I couldn't bare to take down the original story.

Trials of Love - I believe this is the first story I ever finished writing. I think that this story is my absolute favorite. Even though I prefer to do mature writings, by reading this story again, I realized that I'm a 15 year old girl with a random and wild imagination. Don't need to become a pro writer yet. Jiro had me laughing through the whole thing. I realized that I made all the characters into rather stereotypical people, such as Hebe the "perfect" girl or Arron as the charming gorgeous guy. But hey, it gave me a laugh.

With a Cherry on Top - This is an incredibly silly story. Meeting and falling in love over ice cream? Ice Queen is crazy, haha. My favorite character has to be Grandpa Tian, who is somewhat based off my dad and uncle combined. The grumpiness of my dad with the cheapness of my uncle made for an entertaining story. I think I should've stuck to Arron's POV the entire time, the story would've been better. But...then Grandpa Tian wouldn't have his moment to shine...oh wells. It was a cute story.

We Belong Together - My first GuiWang fic. Originally, I meant for a sad ending, but I changed my mind at the last minute. I wrote it while listening to a playlist and noting on how many sad songs played. I originally had the idea for Hebe to mope over Arron and Gui Gui, but I thought Wang Zi would fit much much better. Plus, all the songs I used are pretty good.

Broken Love - Love this story. I think this is my first step up from my usual chillax stories. I got this idea, I think, from seeing a TV show about a patient with schizophrenia(?) and thought that would be cool. Except, rather than a schizophrenic, I thought of a mentally disabled person. I think this story could've been much better, but I still liked it. I might do that schizophrenia thing some time later...

Mending the Pieces - The sequel. This was a fun story to write. I got to step into Hebe's shoes this time, and thought it was fun. Playing an incredibly confused young girl was waaaay better than acting as a lovesick young university student. Just kidding, but I enjoyed writing Hebe's side to the story better. Maybe it was the plot...oh wells. I liked this series a lot.

Sunsets - A cliche story this was. I got the idea from the other fanfics on the site. I wanted to try a childhood love kind of story. I developed the plot as I went forward. I even fell into practical love with Wang Zi's character, he was so awesome. I always thought I would end the story happily, but then I watched Titanic. The idea of a boat made me think and so I decided for a sequel. Yup, yup. :]

Consequences - Out of all the stories I've put up, I think this one is my absolute favorite. It took me a day to write everything. I was incredibly inspired. I believe I was watching an interview of DBSK and how they were talking about how they want to settle down with a family but the fans were crazy or something like that. Anywho, I thought of a good plot line, involving U-Know Yunho but decided not to use him because I didn't want to use an original character to pair up with him. So I used my favorities...BeBu! After listening to "How to Deal" by Frankie J the story just came alive to me. It reflects the celebrities' pain, which is why I didn't give BeBu a happy ending.

Another Twisted Fairy Tale - I don't know where I wanted to go with this story so I don't know if I'll ever continue this story. I definitely want to finish it, but I think it's going on a looong hiatus.

Blind to the Public Eye - I don't know about this story either. I had an original plotline, but in light of recent events, I don't know if I can finish this story. I'm basing the events on real life, so I have to track down all Fahrenheit and SHE events. Sadly, I'm not Taiwanese nor do I speak Mandarin, therefore it's difficult for me to. But I will finish it, maybe if I had some help I could.

Love Story - I really really want to finish this story. I'm so anxious to end it already! Honest! I've estimated about three or two more chapters left and then done with. I don't think there will be a sequel. If there's a sequel, it's going to be in the reader's imaginations...:]

Pure Raindrop - I will finish this story. I've estimated maybe two chapters left. I have to do the original author honor and finish it...I know where I'm taking the story, so :]

Where She Belongs - I will get to this story after I finish Love Story and Pure Raindrop since I already know the plot. I love the idea of Arron being a support beam for Hebe. I think this kind of love is the best kind of love. Stay in tuned for the rest of the story.

My Stupid Tutor - My cousin and I originally wrote this story together, but after consideration, it's been decided that I will finish it...but after Love Story and Pure Raindrop because this story might draaaaaaag. :] This story was originally a series for SHE and Fahrenheit. My Stupid Tutor, My Snobby Fiancee and My Mean Fitness Trainer. Don't know if I'll write the other stories, but I'll let you guys know.

Sunrises - This story will be finished after Love Story and Pure Raindrop. It'll be rather short compared to the other stories I'm writing. I don't like this story too much because of all the original characters, but I guess I'll just deal with it...

The Bet - I love this story, but like I decided that I would finish this story if I finished three other stories. So, I doubt I'll get to it anytime soon. Sorry. I love the plot for this story though, Arron and Hebe's relationship is so awesome...haha.

So that's basically my status right now. I'll be working hard this summer to finish all my stories. Also, expect random oneshots popping up by me too! I miss all of you guys!

Bye bye!

Ice Queen.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hello, world. After what, almost a year now? I'm back. I would explain what I've been up to but I'm too lazy to describe in detail the past few months. Let's just say I've been on a very long and unannounced hiatus.

Right now, I'm scraping together all my stories and with full intentions to finish them all off. Hopefully, I don't die again. Haha.

People who are relinking or whatever, tag me and tell me your new link so that I can catch up with all you wonderful people again. I know, you wonderful people. :]

People who want to talk to me, I've got a tag box!

Otherwise, I've got an email account. vathoiyeuanh@gmail.com Email me and let me know what's up! Say hello or scold me for disappearing without a trace. I'll be back with a LOOOONG blog to explain everything.

Also, like my new blog skin thingy?

Bye bye!

Ice Queen.

Update as of 7-9-09
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Okay, Ice Queen needs to get into focus. So far, I've been just lazy my entire summer. Starting from June 27th to July 2nd, I was visiting my aunty, just relaxing. Unfortunately, I didn't bring my laptop so I was cut off from the world for a whole week. Then July 2nd, I returned back to my house and reconnected with friends. I went onto the internet to connect back to the world.

Wonder Girls are joining the Jonas Brothers for their entire North American tour and they are getting popularity. Awesome.

S.H.E. has written a book, exposing everything that they had been through since childhood. Awesome.

Life's awesome. Awesome.

Anywho, I haven't been able to write anything since I got back from my aunt's house because I totally forgot everything that I was trying to build up to. But I'm trying to remember things and I'm sure I'll be able to update soon. Don't give up on me!

Let's gooo!

Ice Queen.

Teenage Girl, Hannah Montana, Much Better and Wonder Girls
Friday, June 19, 2009

The days passed like months, and everything became a never-ending greyscale picture. I was locked in a state of emptiness, acting as if the life had literally been sucked out of me. I could hear the voices of my friends trying to help me, but I wasn't listening to what they were saying. As a teenage girl, it didn't matter if I had blown the situation way out of proportion. As a teenage girl, I had every right to be totally stupid.


Please smack me in the face because quite clearly, I need something to snap me into a happy mood again. The reason for lack of updates is because when I start writing, it always turns into some sort of depressing monolouge like above. I'm sorry, people but a majority of my stories aren't dark and depressing...man, it's so sad.

Maybe it's the fact that I'm bored...

Man, I really need a hobby.

ANYWHO, I've got the most unhealthy addiction to Hannah Montana. I know, you're going to really slap me now. But something about her voice is really addicting. I like her voice. 'Goodbye' is on my list of favorite songs.

Yes, people say she's a 'slut'...but the last time I checked, slut meant 'an immoral or dirty woman'. Erm, Miley Cyrus isn't immoral...she's a good and nice Christian girl. And she's not dirty because I have never seen her be dirty. And the pictures? Did you know like a majority of teenage girls will send their boyfriends nude pictures of thems? Her pictures just happened to be more publicized.

Call me a Hannah Montana fan, but I like her. And her show is funny. Now get off me :]

Anywho, I'm just really bored. The Jonas Brothers' new album came out and I listened to it. It might as well be Nick's solo...but like whatever. I like their lyrics. 'Much Better' and 'Before the Storm' are my more preferred songs.

'Much Better' is rumored to be about Taylor Swift and quite frankly, I could care less. It's just more pointless teenage drama that I can live without.

Anywho, WONDER GIRLS are touring with the Jonas Brothers. I heard the teaser of 'Nobody' (English) and I think it sounds better in Korean. It seems like they were bunching words together. They should translate it better. And I could hear voice editing in the song. Probably trying to cover the accent. But I'm pretty sure the song will be good. It's the annoying catchy songs that always seem to be successful.

Okay, enough ranting for tonight. I hope I've entertained you :] If you have something to say, my tagbox is always open! Thank you and good night or morning or afternoon...

Ice Queen.

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