Saturday, June 12, 2010
Hello, world. After what, almost a year now? I'm back. I would explain what I've been up to but I'm too lazy to describe in detail the past few months. Let's just say I've been on a very long and unannounced hiatus.
Right now, I'm scraping together all my stories and with full intentions to finish them all off. Hopefully, I don't die again. Haha.
People who are relinking or whatever, tag me and tell me your new link so that I can catch up with all you wonderful people again. I know, you wonderful people. :]
People who want to talk to me, I've got a tag box!
Otherwise, I've got an email account. vathoiyeuanh@gmail.com Email me and let me know what's up! Say hello or scold me for disappearing without a trace. I'll be back with a LOOOONG blog to explain everything.
Also, like my new blog skin thingy?
Bye bye!
Ice Queen.