Missing Winter
Monday, April 20, 2009
Living in California, today it's about ninety four degrees. It gets hotter in other places in the world but seriously, it's only springtime and it feels like summer!
Do you realize how dark I will be by August?
Right about now, winter sounds so awesome.
It seems I like to be cold more than I like to be hot.
Where I live, the winter doesn't get too cold. It goes down to thirty degrees on average. My cousin who lives in Illinois, deals with cold that goes into the NEGATIVES. THAT is cold, my friends. Aww, winter. Everyone looks so forward to spring...then it goes all humid and scorching hot and they'll be like "WINTER COME BACK AHHHH!"
I have half a mind to wear shorts and a tank top tomorrow to school. I won't be hot...MUAHA?
Wonder Girls...haha.
The Wonder Girls seem like they're maturing too fast. I mean, they're only between the ages of 21-17 and they're really focussing on their sex appeal. I'm just like...okay, worry about sex appeal when you're like 30. To me, female singers who focus more on their singing capabilities and their good reputation are the ones who will earn my respect.
Which is why S.H.E. remains at my top favorite groups of all!
I'm just getting random now. So I'll just go eat gallons of ice cream to cool down and I'll talk to you all later!
Keep the BeBu Train moving!
Ice Queen.